Object Fetch Vs DQL Fetch Performance

11 Aug

A Object Fetch call would retrieve all attribute information of the object from server, this information will then be cached on the client side DMCL cache.

A DQL query will only retrieve the attributes specified in the “select” statement of the query.

A dm_document object has around 70+ attributes. If you are only interested in few attributes of an object you should use a DQL statement to avoid retrieving unnecessary information, this becomes significant especially in a low bandwidth environment.

Object Fetch should used when most attributes of an object are wanted, and/or that attribute information is repeatedly needed in multiple places.

Note that a DFC Session.getObject() call is effectively a fetch call, you should avoid creating a IDfSysobject with session.getObject() just to look at a couple attributes of the object, use query.execute(iDfSession, IDfQuery_DF_READ_QUERY) and specify the attributes of interest in the select statement of the query instead.


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