Daily Archives: May 21, 2013

UCF – Sandboxing UCF installer for different clients


When we try to use DCO 5.3 SP6 and D6.5 Webtop clients on the same machine DCO won’t be able to open Outlook messages


When you use DCO 5.3 SP6 client on the same machine as a Webtop 6.5 Client

Webtop will overwrite the UCF directories and cause DCO to go to windows explorer when trying to view an outlook message

DCO creates this UCF directory:

C:\Documents and Settings\”Username”\Documentum\ucf\”system_name”\shared\bin\

Webtop creates this and overwrites some of DCO files:

C:\Documents and Settings\”Username”\Documentum\ucf\”system_name”\shared\bin\6.5.036



This feature is not for common use and one should carefully choose to use this option when it is very necessary.

By design, if you have a UCF client of a particular version (say X) installed on your machine, when you access an appserver which hosts a UCF of version (say Y) lower than the installed version ([i.e] X>Y),  no new download of UCF client is triggured and the version X of UCF client is used.

The reason for the above design is that the higher version UCF clients are always compatible with lower version UCF servers. When used with newer UCF servers they provide newer funtionalities.

Now, thinking of the scenario where there are two webapps of different version (say X and Y and X>Y), it becomes difficult for a client to use the lower version UCF client once she accesses the higher version webapp. So essentially, only the higher version UCF client is always used.


We can “sandbox” the UCF clients to be used with their respective webapps.

This is done by specifying different app ids for different webapps in ucf[.installer.config.xml]


1. Locate the ucf[.installer.config.xml] in the webapp installation. It is typically under <app-root>/wdk/contentXfer.

2. Locate the following line in the config file:

<app id=”shared” version=”[X.X.X.X]” compatibilityVersion=”5.3.0″/>

3. For webapp1 change the id to some value (say id1)

<app id=”id1″ version=”[X.X.X.X]” compatibilityVersion=”5.3.0″/>

4.  For webapp2 change the id to some value (say id2)

<app id=”id2″ version=”[X.X.X.X]” compatibilityVersion=”5.3.0″/>

5. Now start using the webapps

You will have two UCF client installations and they will have separate javaw processes when run simultaneously.

Usually you only need to change one of the webapp so you can keep the DCO ucf installer xml file as OOTB and make the changes to the Webtop

Stop both app servers clear out client UCF and restart  both app servers and test


For details, see EMC Support Note:


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DQL – Show object types where attribute is used/exist

DQL Query:

select type_name from dmi_dd_attr_info where attr_name = ‘<Attribute Name>’



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