Hierarchical list of Documentum types

11 Aug

Came across a simple (useful) query that displays the types and thier hierarchy.

DQL>describe hierarchy persistent.

Displays a hierarchial structure  of all “Persistent Objects”.

DQL> describe hierarchy dm_sysobject
Object hierarchy list
\ dmi_expr_code
\ dm_mount_point
\ dm_location
\ dm_docbase_config
\ dm_server_config
\ dm_policy
\ dm_registered
\ dm_folder
\ dm_cabinet
\ dm_xml_application
\ dm_category
\ dmc_topic
\ dmc_room
\ dmc_module
\ dmc_aspect_type
\ dmc_validation_module
P.S.: Found it through samson (Just below the toolbar : Query Topics -> Type Management + List tree of types known in docbase –> Generate Query)

Analyzing the above query, I gave a DQL to find out hierarchy of dm_sysobject and it works perfect. cool

DQL>describe hierarchy dm_sysobject

(lists hierarchically all the sub types of sysobject ).

This will be handy sometimes to see who all extend a custom object type.

Here is the DQL to find direct sub types of a given type
DQL> select name from dm_type where super_name =’dm_sysobject’;
(This query doesn’t list the indirect sub types)


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